for those who never saw, and those who didn't know...
Benazir Bhutto, former head of Pakistan, will SHOCK you on 2:15! This is an excerpt from an interview on Nov 02, 2007 with David Frost. For those of you who slept through that or just wasn't paying attention, she was killed (some say assassinated) almost 2 months later, on Dec 27, 2007.
Full interview may be found here:
Now i will let you do the rest of thinking, in light of what's going on there (Pakistan right?) this days...
with Bless and pray for Peaceful happy days :) Nir Ohh Yeah
... Ynetמבזק מבזק מבזק (קצת באיחור....!) מיוחד ליושבי ציון וקוראי שפת הקודש... באדיבות (פורסם: 27.04.09, 12:05)
נשיא פקיסטן: מאמינים שבן-לאדן מת, אבל אין לנו הוכחות
שירותי המודיעין של פקיסטן מעריכים כי ראש ארגון הטרור אל-קאעידה, אוסאמה בן-לאדן, אינו בחיים. כך אמר נשיא פקיסטן, אסיף עלי זרדרי. עם זאת, זרדרי הבהיר כי לארצו אין הוכחות המאמתות את השערתה.
"האמריקנים אומרים לנו שהם אינם יודעים אם הוא חי או לא, ויש להם כלים טובים בהרבה מאשר לנו כדי לחקור זאת", הסביר הנשיא הפקיסטני במסיבת עיתונאים באסלאמאבד.
!נו אז מה יש לכם להגיד על זה חברים???
?.....והאם אתם עדיין ניזונים מ"חדשות" המוגבלות לשפת הקודש
Welcome once again to the great old desert… like each & every year we’re getting the hell out of Egypt…
only yesterday we were still sitting by the (rivers of Babylon?) “Pot of Meat” (whatever meat stands for in this context I didn’t figure out yet…) and with a blink of an eye and a raise of a staff we’ve been cast out of the land of the Pharaoh's, the pyramids (π+Ra+Mid) and the Egyptian mystery schools.
Exodus – movement of Ja people… here we experience a mental-morph sis from being under the Egyptian mysteries to becoming an independent spiritual movement (or is it so…?)
40 years were the children of Israel wondering (!!!) in the desert realm, on their way to the Promised Land.
The number 40, as being phonetically signified by the letter Mem, the 13th (!) and the middle letter of the Hebrew alphabet, representing death and rebirth as if it has been taken straight from the legend of Isis & Osiris. as being the middle letter, Mem stands between Aleph (alpha/1st) and Tav (omega/last), correlating with those two to create the essence of the quest – Aleph+Mem+Tav=EMeT, which is Hebrew for Truth…
40 years as Mem represents the end and the breaking from the Egyptian mysteries’ rule and the rebirth as the “children of Is-Ra-El”, “evolving” and taking a new form.
Another attribute of the Osirian cycle show us the transformation from a rich and progressed “kings as gods” nation to a minimal materialistic existence, sole “king of kings”- “start from scratch” desert nomads.
With that notion we set up to approach the actual exodus. With that overwhelming and intense break from the mother land, “we” as a collective group broke through the chains of slavery as well away from the golden spoon and that “pot of meat”.
The legend tells us about the extreme hard labor the children of Israel suffered under slavery, when building Pitom & Ramses. Though when in the desert, there was a huge cry out to Moses regarding to why they’ve been taking out of around that magnificent pot of meat. And that makes you wander doesn’t it?
So did they had such a rough time building those “arei miskenot” (slave labor camps in modern US dialect??) and it is the human nature to cry out loud for the constructed image of a better time (utopia?) in the past?
Or maybe they had a pretty good time around Egypt and that “meat pot” (as for me I would pass on the meat thought some pot will be just great…) while mingling, assimilating and taking some good part in Egyptian society?
I would suggest that both options are valid, though the outcome and the consequences are far beyond that of the physical movement, location differentiation and even existence of this group of recently-released slaves…
It is thought, and been noted by Freud as well, that Mr. Moses adapted the religious views and way of Pharaoh Akhenaton, converting the multiply gods worship through material figures and death-rebirth cycle to a united, non-material, sole superpower deity (and a furious one as well, oh god).
With that understanding we can look on the word ISRAEL in parts:
Is- Isis the mother, Ra- sun god, the son & reincarnated Osiris, El- (Elohim=god) Canaanite god representing Saturn (according to researchers).
Furthermore, I’m starting to suspect that the Moses movement and the creation of the Israelites as a nation with a fresh (?) spiritual manifestation was another well orchestrated making of the same Atlantian/Egyptian mystery schools… now i feel like Epicurus so i would add that these heresy spoken words are (so far) just of suspicion...
after all, some of the most important and influential figures of western though and knowledge (such as Pythagoras, Thales, Plato etc.)spent a great deal of time (Pythagoras said to be staying for 22 years) in Egypt, acquiring wisdom from the Egyptian priests of the ancient mystery schools, practicing in astronomy, astrology, math, Egyptian magic, sacred rituals and more...
Another interpretation of the word PassOver, will be Pe-Sach, literally means “a speaking mouth”, direction us to acknowledge the importance of Passing Over this great story of our collective evolution, from material worshipers belong to the cradle of western society, if you wish, to a group of people with a designated purpose to become a one-mind abstract spiritual collective being, and to understand that to speak it every year again to our children (of ISREAL) is a must! God Bless You All!
Replies (letters, carrier pigeons etc, emails etc) to :
Nir Ohh Yeah (aka God’s on my side Inc.)
PO box 13
Mount Sinai
Eastern Desert
p.s. what’s great about the desert is that there’s enough sand for everybody…. :)
So good to have you here finally after all this time, i know you've been waiting for that... i definitely waited long enough i guess so here it comes, i would love to have you around and to have a unique open-mind study-teach (some will say enlightenment ha ha) discussion please Take part (!) and share what you have in your mind and on your heart...
We are to be sharing an experience here so be true (i mean true to yourself) and i hope you'll be coming and going with a smile and a new Something to wonder & ponder...